The SRA has introduced Transparency Rules requiring firms to publish certain information about certain types of work.

Commercial Law

Work type:

Debt recovery for businesses, claims of up to £100,000


All work of this type is generally conducted on an hourly rate basis (unless a fixed or agreed fee is arranged with a client on a case-by-case basis) and time is recorded in 6-minute units. VAT is payable in addition in the case of UK clients at 20%.

Discount hourly rates may be available where bulk hours are purchased.

The total cost of the service, or average/range of costs:

This is impossible to say because it depends on the complexity of the case and the services you require (see further details and examples below). Fees could possibly range from £1,000 plus VAT at 20% for a straightforward matter (admitted after the letter before action and paid), to £ 30,000 for a complex case requiring a two-day hearing. Each case will be different, and we will aim to give you reasonable estimates as soon as possible.

Please note that these figures are very wide and general - we will be able to provide you with a more specific indication of fees after a discussion with you about your particular circumstances.


Court fees will be required if court proceedings need to be commenced. The court fees vary according to the size of the claim, and in addition to the issue fee, there may be fees required for applications, hearings, etc. if applicable to your particular case. The court fees are subject to amendment from time to time and can be viewed at the HM Courts & Tribunals website.

Court fees are not currently subject to VAT.

In addition to court fees, other disbursements may include travelling to and from courts, copying costs (where significant copying is required to be conducted externally), special delivery postage, and courier costs for letters and packages. In addition, depending on the complexity of the case, it may be necessary to instruct an external barrister to assist with the case and/or conduct advocacy. Barrister’s fees will vary according to the seniority of the barrister and the length of the hearing. It may also be necessary to instruct an independent expert where expert evidence is necessary. Disbursements other than court fees will be subject to VAT at 20% in the case of UK clients.

What services are included within the displayed price:

As our work is an hourly rate (unless otherwise agreed), all services are included, such as -

  • Taking your instructions and reviewing the documentation
  • Advising you on the prospects of success and necessary procedures
  • Undertaking appropriate searches
  • Sending letters before action
  • Drafting and issuing of claims and other statements of case
  • Applications to court
  • Enforcement action

In addition to our fees, there will be court fees. Legal costs are at the discretion of the court but, depending on the circumstances of your case, there is a risk that you may have to pay some or all of your opponent’s costs at the end of the case (normally if you are unsuccessful, but this may also arise during a court process prior to a final outcome).

Before incurring fees with a solicitor, you should check whether you hold any insurance policies that may cover your costs in the matter (such as Legal Expenses Cover, which may be a standalone policy or may exist as part of another cover). Even if you have an insurance policy that will cover the costs, note that it is your right to choose your own solicitor and you do not have to use one of your insurer’s panel of firms. You should discuss this with your insurer and seek confirmation of how choosing a non-panel solicitor may affect your policy.

The overall fee we charge will vary according to:

  • The complexity of your case (is it clear and unarguable that you are owed the debt, or does your opponent have a defence and/or an argument that it should not be paid?)
  • Is the matter defended or admitted (will we be required to prepare legal arguments against your opponent, and will it be necessary to make multiple applications to court and attend one or more court hearings?)
  • How much assistance do you require with the preparations, or are you able to carry out some of the work in-house?
  • The time sensitivity of your case (do you require this to be dealt with urgently, or are the legal time limits shortly expiring, such that we may have to prioritise it over other clients?)

Any services not included in the price that might reasonably be expected to be included:

As our work is an hourly rate (unless otherwise agreed), there are no services not included. However, our hourly rates and other professional fees do not include any fees payable to third parties such as HM Courts & Tribunals Service, enforcement/service agents, etc. Where such fees are required, we will notify you in advance.

Details of the experience and qualifications of the teams/individuals who will carry out the work:

Overall supervision - Thomas Miles - Managing Director, Solicitor ​ & Keith McAlister - Solicitor/Director

Typical timescales and key stages of the matter:

  1. Taking initial instructions - 1-2 days
  2. Preparing and sending a pre-action protocol letter before action – 3-5 days
  3. Receiving a response from the opponent - up to 30 days from the date of service of the protocol letter
  4. Preparing and issuing claim - up to 14 days
  5. Receiving acknowledgement of service - up to 14 days from the date of service of the claim form and response pack
  6. Receiving defence (if any) - up to 14 days from the date of the acknowledgement of service

If there is no acknowledgement of service or defence filed, it may be possible to apply for judgment in default. If a defence is received, court hearings may be necessary and the timescale will be entirely dependent on the court’s timetable, and the complexity of your matter. More complex cases, for example with multiple witnesses, will require more preparation time and longer hearing dates.

Details of the experience and qualifications of the teams/individuals who will carry out the work:

Overall supervision - Thomas Miles - Managing Director, Solicitor

Specifically, within the Commercial Team -

  • Solicitor/Director Commercial - Keith McAlister
  • Consultant – Moray Hughes
  • Registered Foreign Lawyer - Linda Ni
  • Solicitor, Registered Foreign Lawyer / Japanese Qualified - Wataru Nakatsuji

Employment Law

Work type:

The provision of advice and representation to employers in relation to defending claims before the Employment Tribunal brought by an employee for unfair dismissal, discrimination, whistleblowing, and/ or wrongful dismissal.


All work of this type is generally conducted on an hourly rate basis (unless a fixed or agreed fee is arranged with a client on a case-by-case basis) and time is recorded in 6-minute units. VAT at 20% is payable in addition.

Discount hourly rates may be available where bulk hours are purchased. 

The total cost of the service, or average/range of costs:

This is impossible to say because it depends on the complexity of the case and the services you require (see further details and examples below). Fees could possibly range from £1,500 plus VAT at 20% for a straightforward matter (settled at the early conciliation stage via ACAS) assuming e.g. around 5 hours work to £150,000 for a complex case requiring a ten-day hearing which would therefore incur significant amounts of preparation time. Each case will be different, and we will aim to give you reasonable estimates as soon as possible. An average tribunal case run all the way to a final hearing would generally cost in the region of £30,000 to £60,000 based on our experience according to the amount of time involved and seniority of the fee earners involved.

Please note that these figures are very wide and general - we will be able to provide you with a more specific indication of fees after a discussion with you about your particular circumstances.


Court fees do not apply to tribunal claims and therefore only our internal disbursements will be required for tribunal claims.  Examples of these disbursements include the cost of travelling to and from tribunals, copying costs (where significant copying is required to be conducted externally), special delivery postage, and courier costs for letters and packages. 

We can conduct all tribunal advocacy ourselves but if you wish to instruct a barrister to conduct any hearings then their fees will be payable in addition to ours.  Barristers’ fees will vary according to the seniority of the barrister and the length of the hearing.

Disbursements and barristers’ fees are subject to VAT at 20%.

What services are included within the displayed price:

As our work is an hourly rate, all services are included, such as -

  • Taking your instructions and reviewing the documentation
  • Advising you on prospects of success and necessary procedures
  • Sending letters and emails
  • Drafting tribunal documents such as the ET3 and grounds of resistance, witness statements, etc.
  • Applications to court
  • Advocacy

Unlike in civil courts, there is no strict liability for paying a claimant’s legal fees if you are unsuccessful with your defence of the claim.  Equally, you are unlikely to be able to recover any fees paid by you if you successfully defend the claim.  Costs in the employment tribunal are exceptional and only recoverable where there has been unreasonable conduct by one of the parties.  

Before incurring fees with a solicitor, you should check whether you hold any insurance policies that may cover your costs in the matter (such as Legal Expenses Cover, which may be a standalone policy or may exist as part of another cover).  Even if you have an insurance policy that will cover the costs, note that it is your right to choose your own solicitor and you do not have to use one of your insurer’s panel of firms. You should discuss this with your insurer and seek confirmation of how choosing a non-panel solicitor may affect your policy.

The overall fee we charge will vary according to:

  • The complexity of your case: the amount of time to defend an employment tribunal claim for a misconduct dismissal is vastly different from the amount of time required to defend a complex whistleblowing claim. Factors that increase complexity include the area of law on which the claim is based, number of witnesses, quality of evidence, and what proportion of facts are agreed upon between the parties compared with those that are disputed.
  • Whether you wish to defend the matter or seek to settle at an early stage.
  • The conduct of the claimant as they can create additional work that must be responded to.
  • The time sensitivity of your case (do you require this to be dealt with urgently, or are the legal time limits shortly expiring, such that we may have to prioritise it over other clients?).
  • How much assistance you require with the preparations for the case, or whether you are able to carry out some of the work in-house?

Any services not included in the price that might reasonably be expected to be included:

As our work is an hourly rate, there are no services not included. We will give estimates to you in advance of carrying out work and will inform you about what work will be included.

Details of the experience and qualifications of the teams/individuals who will carry out the work:

Overall supervision - Thomas Miles - Managing Director, Solicitor

Specifically, within the Employment Team -

Typical timescales and key stages of the matter:

Note that these are approximate timescales for when certain matters will be completed - they are not in any way an indication of the time to be spent on an hourly rate basis

  1. Taking initial instructions - 1 to 2 days
  2. Responding to early conciliation with ACAS - 4 to 5 days
  3. Preparing ET3 - 14 to 28 days
  4. Reviewing and providing disclosure of documents - 3 to 4 months
  5. Preparing witness statements - 4 to 6 months
  6. Attending final hearing - 9 to 12 months

Depending on the complexity of the case, the matter may be listed for a preliminary hearing to make a case management order. Generally, a preliminary hearing will take place around one month after the ET3 is filed. Any case management order made at a preliminary hearing may deviate from the above timescales and may include additional steps that are specific to the claim.

If a claimant makes an application for any reason during a tribunal claim (e.g., for specific disclosure) that will almost certainly delay the timescale estimate.

Immigration Law

Work type:

The preparation and submission of immigration applications, excluding asylum applications.


Please note that we do not carry out the following types of work for individuals, these applications are only carried out for business clients on behalf of their workers or proposed workers:

  • Global Business Mobility and Skilled Worker
  • Temporary Worker International Agreement
  • Representative of Overseas Business

(Including dependants, in respect of all of the above)

Our work for individual clients is charged on a fixed fee basis:

  • Settlement (5 years’ work)
  • Settlement (10 years’ residence)
  • Start-up/Innovator
  • Tier 1 Investor (extensions and settlement)
  • Spouse
  • Global Talent
  • BRP replacements

VAT (currently 20%) is payable on all our fees.

The total cost of the service, or average/range of costs:

For all cases, the following fixed fees may be subject to increase depending on the complexity of your case. We will only be able to confirm the complexity and therefore the fees, after discussion with you and/or reviewing your documents. Where an increased fee is required, we will discuss this with you as soon as we are aware of this and will agree with you either a revised fixed fee or an hourly rate basis. Where “dependants” are specified in the below fees, this is for dependants applying at the same time as the main applicant - dependants applying separately will be charged as if they are the main applicant. Whilst it is impossible to cover all possible scenarios in which a fee may need to be increased, the following circumstances will be relevant:

  • Any previous adverse immigration history.
  • Criminal offences.
  • Lack of relevant documents.
  • Excessive unnecessary documents.
  • Unusual case circumstances.

Fixed fees:

  • Settlement (5 years’ work) - £5,950 plus £595 per dependant
  • Settlement (10 years’ residence) - £8,250 plus £595 per dependant
  • Start-up/Innovator (Entry Clearance/Extension/Settlement) - from £6,000 plus £595 per dependant (please note that the fees for this category may vary according to the complexity of your business arrangements)
  • Tier 1 Investor (Extension/Settlement) - from £10,000 plus £650 per dependant (please note that the fees for this category may vary according to the complexity of your investment arrangements)
  • Spouse/Family (Entry Clearance/Extension/Settlement) - from £6,500 plus £595 per dependant (please note that the fees for this category may vary according to the complexity of your relationship history and the documents available as evidence to meet the Home Office rules)
  • Global Talent applications - £4,000 plus £595 per dependant (depending on complexity)
  • BRP replacement - £1,500 plus £385 per dependant (if applicable)

For all cases, we charge an additional £250 administration fee but do not charge extra for postage, special delivery, or courier within the London area. If we make payments on your behalf to third parties (such as the Home Office, or separate translation companies) we will charge a fee of £85 per transaction.


The Home Office fees are subject to vary from time to time and you should consult the Home Office website for updated information.

Home Office fees are not subject to VAT.

As part of booking a visa appointment for you, we may also purchase additional services from the Home Office’s chosen third-party providers. These may include additional fee-paid service centres or premium lounge appointments, etc. These will vary according to the service required and the particular service provider in question. We will inform you of these fees as part of your case, and you can review the Home Office partners’ websites – currently, Sopra Steria, VFS, and TLS Contact are the key providers.

If we are charged any fee by our bank for making a payment for you in a currency other than Sterling (usually around £20 per transaction) then we will add this to our invoice.

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain an official certified translation of documents. This will vary according to the length of the document and the service level requested. This may vary from around 10p per word to 16p per word, plus a £35 fee for the certification.

Disbursements other than Home Office fees are subject to VAT at 20%.

What services are included within the displayed price:

      Our fees include:

  • Taking your instructions and reviewing the documentation
  • Advising you on any amendments or additional documents required
  • Advising you on prospects of success of the application
  • Preparing the application form(s)
  • Arranging the application appointment
  • Advising you on requirements and procedures for the application appointment
  • Checking the visa/BRP card when received and sending to you

Our fees do not include additional appointment bookings (e.g., where you need to cancel and rebook an appointment - we will charge an additional fee of £385 plus VAT at 20% per rebooking). Our fees also do not include any Administrative Reviews or Appeals, and we will advise you on the fees for these if necessary.

Any services not included in the price that might reasonably be expected to be included:

We believe that all expected work is specified above.

Details of the experience and qualifications of the teams/individuals who will carry out the work:

Overall supervision - Thomas Miles - Managing Director, Solicitor

Specifically, within the Immigration Team -

Typical timescales and key stages of the matter:

We cannot guarantee the speed with which the Home Office will process an application, please see their website for current service standards:

For some cases, the Home Office may offer a quicker processing time for an increased fee. However, they will never guarantee a particular processing time, regardless of the fee paid.

We will aim to submit your application as soon as possible - i.e., as soon as you have provided all documents and information to enable us to do so. We typically find that, due to the requirement to gather documents, most clients can submit applications within approximately 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the complexity of the case.

3CS Residential Conveyancing Price Transparency


Our fees assume that:

  1. This is a standard transaction, and no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction including the provision of third party consents.
  2. That the Property has an existing registered title at HM Land Registry in the name of the Seller with absolute freehold or leasehold title without defect.
  3. The transaction is concluded in a timely manner (within 6 to 8 weeks of receipt of draft documentation) and no unforeseen complications arise
  4. All parties to the transaction and their advisers are cooperative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing or settling documentation
  5. No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required.


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.  The list of disbursements set out above is not exhaustive and other disbursements may vary depending on the transaction.  We will update you on any additional disbursements that may be required. 

3CS Fees - Purchase of Residential Freehold Property

  • Legal fees* - £5,000 plus VAT at 20% or 1% of the property price, whichever is higher - please note that this is a fixed fee basis and we do not normally handle these cases on an hourly rate basis.
  • Administrations fees - £250 plus VAT at 20%
  • Electronic money transfer fee per transfer - £35 plus VAT at 20%
  • Bank verification fee - £20 plus VAT at 20%

*our fees may vary according to the value of your property and the complexity of the transaction

Disbursements - Purchase of Residential Freehold Property

  • Property search fees (local authority, water & drainage, environmental, chancel check, highways, search of the index map, winding up search (if company seller)) - Fees may vary according to the search provider and location of the property, generally £350 - £500 per property
  • HM Land Registry search fee (per search) - £3
  • ​HM Land Registration fee - Fees vary according to the purchase price of the property and the type of transaction, generally £20 - £910 based on the purchase price subject to updates from HMLR
  • Stamp duty land tax (SDLT) - Tax varies according to the value of the property and individual circumstances.  You can use the stamp duty land tax calculator to calculate the tax due
  • ID verification checks - Fees vary according to individuals and companies, generally £10 – £20 plus VAT at 20% 
  • Source of Funds check - £11.94 per case

Additional disbursements include additional property searches, indemnity insurance premiums, costs of planning documents, and survey fees.

Fees will vary. 

Services included in this process: 

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. Below are key stages of the process:

  • Taking your instructions and giving you initial advice
  • Checking finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender's solicitors if needed
  • Receiving and advising on contract documents
  • Carrying out searches
  • Reviewing planning consent for permitted use and any relevant building regulation consents but not more than one planning consent by reference to existing use
  • Making any necessary enquiries of seller's solicitor
  • Providing advice on all transaction documents and due diligence information received
  • Reviewing replies from the seller’s solicitors
  • Preparing a report on title for you and issuing to you
  • Sending final contract to you for signature
  • Advising you on joint ownership
  • Drafting and settling transfer deed
  • Agreeing completion date (date from which you own the property)
  • Obtaining your instructions, exchanging contracts and notifying you that this has happened
  • Preparing completion statement and arranging for all monies needed to be received from you
  • Obtaining pre-completion searches
  • Obtaining replies to form TA13 and dealing with pre-completion formalities
  • Completing purchase
  • Dealing with stamp duty land tax
  • Receiving stamp duty land tax (SDLT) funds from you and filing SDLT return subject to your instructions
  • Dealing with application for registration of title at the Land Registry

How long will the process take?

The length of the process will depend on several factors. The average process takes between 6 to 8 weeks.  It can be faster or slower, depending on the parties in the chain and the speed of response from the instructed advisers.

3CS Fees - Purchase of Residential Leasehold Property


  • Legal fees* - £5,000 plus VAT at 20% or 1% of the property price, whichever is higher
  • Administrations fee - £250 plus VAT at 20%
  • ​Electronic money transfer fee per transfer - £35 plus VAT at 20%
  • ​Bank verification fee - £20 plus VAT at 20%

*Our fees may vary according to the value of your property and the complexity of the transaction

Disbursements - Purchase of Residential Leasehold Property

  • Property search fees (local authority, water & drainage, environmental, chancel check) - Fees may vary according to the search provider and location of the property, generally £350 - £500 per property
  • ​HM Land Registry search fee (per search) - £3
  • ​HM Land Registration fee - Fees vary according to the purchase price of the property and the type of transaction, generally £20 - £910 based on the purchase price and subject to updates from HMLR
  • Stamp duty land tax (SDLT) - Tax varies according to the value of the property and individual circumstances.  You can use the stamp duty land tax calculator to calculate the tax due
  • ID verification checks - Fees vary according to individuals and companies, generally £10 – £20 plus VAT at 20%
  • Source of Funds check - £11.94 per case

Additional disbursements payable to the freeholder, management company, or managing agents for leasehold properties, including:

  • Notice of Transfer fees
  • Deed of Covenant fees
  • Certificate of Compliance fees
  • Notice of Charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged) - Fees will range from £50 plus VAT - £350 plus VAT at 20%  per document. These fees are confirmed when the landlord/management pack is provided. 

Additional disbursements include additional property searches, indemnity insurance premiums, costs of planning documents, and survey fees.

Fees will vary. 

Services included in this process:

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a leasehold residential property vary according to the circumstances. Below are key stages of the process:

  • Taking your instructions and giving you initial advice
  • Checking finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender's solicitors if needed
  • Receiving and advising on transaction documents
  • Carry out searches
  • Reviewing planning consent for permitted use and any relevant building regulation consents limited to not more than one planning consent by reference to existing use.
  • Making any necessary enquiries of seller's solicitor
  • Reviewing management pack (if applicable)
  • Obtaining information and replies to enquiries from the management company/landlord (if applicable)
  • Providing advice on all transaction documents and due diligence information received.
  • Reviewing replies from the seller’s solicitors
  • Preparing a report for you
  • Sending final contract or agreement for lease to you for signature
  • Advising you on joint ownership
  • Drafting transfer deed or settle Lease
  • Agreeing completion date (date from which you own the property)
  • Obtaining your instructions and exchanging contracts and notifying you that this has happened
  • Arranging for all monies needed to be received from you
  • Obtaining pre-completion searches
  • Completing purchase
  • Receiving SDLT monies from you and filing SDLT return in accordance with your instructions
  • Dealing with application for registration of your title at the Land Registry
  • Notifying the freeholder/management company of the new owner details and complying with their registration process

How long will the process take?

The length of the process will depend on several factors. The average process takes between 6 to 8 weeks to exchange of contracts. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain.

3CS Fees - Sale of Residential Freehold Property

  • Legal fees* - £5,000 plus VAT at 20% or 1% of the property price, whichever is higher
  • Administration fee - £250 plus VAT at 20%
  • ​Electronic money transfer fee per transfer - £35 plus VAT at 20%

​*our fees may vary according to the value of your property and the complexity of the transaction

Disbursements - Sale of Freehold Property

  • HM Land Registry search fee (per search) - £3
  • ​ID verification checks - Fees vary according to individuals and companies, generally £10 – £20 plus VAT at 20%

​Additional disbursements may include indemnity insurance premiums and costs of planning documents.

Fees will vary. 

Services included in this process:

The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. Below are key stages of the process:

  • Taking your instructions and providing you with initial advice
  • Preparing and drafting the transaction documents and sale pack
  • Seeking your instructions and replying to any relevant enquiries of the purchaser's solicitor
  • Reviewing and approving the transfer deed
  • Reporting to you on the transaction documents
  • Sending final contract and transfer deed to you for signature
  • Agreeing completion date
  • Obtaining your further instructions and exchanging contracts and notifying you that this has happened
  • Preparing and issuing completion statement to you and to Buyer's solicitors along with replies to form TA13
  • Seeking your instructions for completion including agreeing the terms of any completion undertakings and redemption of charges
  • Obtaining Lender's redemption statement if relevant
  • Receiving completion monies and holding and discharging in accordance with agreed completion undertakings
  • Redeeming any mortgage in respect of the Property on completion subject to receipt of mortgage funds
  • Remitting the net sale proceeds to you following completion

How long will the process take?

The length of the process will depend on several factors. The average process takes between 6 to 8 weeks.  It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain.

3CS Fees - Sale of Residential Leasehold Property

  • Legal fees* - £5,000 plus VAT at 20% or 1% of the property price, whichever is higher
  • ​Administration fees - £250 plus VAT at 20%
  • ​Electronic money transfer fee per transfer - £35 plus VAT at 20%

​*our fees may vary according to the value of your property and the complexity of the transaction

Disbursements - Sales of Leasehold Property

  • HM Land Registry search fee (per search) - £3
  • ​ID verification checks - Fees vary according to individuals and companies, generally £10 – £20 plus VAT at 20%
  • Managing Agents’ fees for providing information on the property, including service charges, ground rent, major works, share/membership, and assignment costs - Fees vary, generally £200 – £450 plus VAT at 20%

Additional disbursements may include indemnity insurance premiums and costs of planning documents.

Fees will vary. 

Services included in this process:

The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. Below are key stages of the process:

  • Taking your instructions and providing you with initial advice
  • Preparing the transaction documents and sale pack
  • Obtaining the freeholder/management pack
  • Seeking your instructions and replying to any relevant enquiries of the purchaser's solicitor 
  • Reviewing and approving the agreement for lease or agreement for sale and transfer deed or leases (as applicable)
  • Sending final contract or agreement for lease and transfer deed or lease to you for signature
  • Agreeing completion date in accordance with your instructions
  • Seeking your instructions and exchanging contracts and notifying you that this has happened
  • Preparing and issuing completion statement to you and to Buyer's solicitor along with replies to form TA13
  • Seeking your instructions for completion including agreeing the terms of any completion undertakings and redemption of charges
  • Obtaining Lender's redemption statement if relevant
  • Completing sale
  • Receiving completion monies and holding and discharging in accordance with agreed completion undertakings
  • Redeeming any mortgage in respect of the Property on completion subject to receipt of mortgage funds
  • Remitting the net sale proceeds to you following completion

How long will the process take?

The length of the process will depend on several factors. The average process takes between 6 to 8 weeks.  It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain.

Details of the experience and qualifications of the teams/individuals who will carry out the work:

Overall supervision - Thomas Miles - Managing Director, Solicitor

He supervises 3CS’s commercial, immigration and employment law work. Qualified in 2008, his experience encompasses both contentious and non-contentious practice. He has acted for a large number of international corporations, as well as charities and public sector bodies.

Specifically, within the Property Team -


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60 Moorgate

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Registered in England & Wales | Registered office is 60 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6EJ
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is registered under the number 08198795
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is a Solicitors Practice, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with number 597935

Registered in England & Wales | Registered office is 60 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6EJ
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is registered under the number 08198795
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is a Solicitors Practice, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with number 597935