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Yuki Kawata-Japanese Lawyer / Senior Associate / Kitahama Partners
Hironaga Kaneko-Germany Lawyer / Partner / Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Hiroko Mitomi-Solicitor / Managing Director / 3CS Corporate Solicitors
Japan, Germany and the UK-Comparison of basic principles of dismissal
Kitahama Partners, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek and 3CS Corporate Solicitors held a joint webinar on the topic ‘Comparison of basic principles of dismissal’. This joint webinar focused on a comparison of the basic principles of dismissal in Japan, Germany and the UK.
While dismissals are undesirable for both employers and employees, it is important for companies that are expanding overseas and employing or considering employing local staff to keep termination regulations in check, which can be seen as an outlet strategy.
Employment legislation varies from country to country, and what is lawful in one country may be illegal in another. Dismissal is a contentious area and requires an understanding of the regulations in each country in which you operate, rather than basing your decision on one country.
Japanese Law was explained by Ms Kawata from Kitahama Partners; Germany Law by Mr Kaneko from Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek; and the UK Law by Ms Mitomi from 3CS Corporate Solicitors.
In this joint webinar, we covered:
- Consultation cases on dismissal
- Types of termination of employment contracts
- Basic rules for dismissal
- Impact of illegal dismissals